

free genealogy

  • How to access the database?

    To do your research, simply click on the link below which will redirect you to access to the database.

  • What can you use this base for?

    The genealogy database will help you complete your genealogy or your family history.

  • How much does it cost?

    The consultation of the database is open and free although it is carried out and completed by a professional genealogist. Of course, if you choose to know more, you will be offered a quote for the research and communication of documents, their content and their context.

  • What types of documents have been indexed

    The database gathers information from archival documents not from civil status and not digitized:

  • Where do the documents come from?

    The documents come mainly from the funds of the departmental archives of Aveyron but also from other funds (other AD, municipal, diocesan, national archives, etc.)

  • Why can't I see the full date?

    The database contains surnames, first names, decade of birth, place of birth and French department or foreign country.

  • Who are the people on the base?

    The conditions to be in the base are as follows:

  • Why do I see my ancestors several times?

    As of the end of December 2020, duplicates are no longer deleted. Thus, if you see the name of your ancestors several times, it is because it was found in several documents.

  • And if my ancestors are not from Aveyron

    If your ancestors are not from Aveyron, this database may still concern you. Indeed, it gathers the names of people sometimes only passing through Aveyron. All the French departments are concerned, as well as many countries as shown on the map below.

  • Misuse?

    This database can also be useful to you for a misuse. If you cannot find your ancestors in the traditional bases, you may be able to see here a place of birth or a decade which will give you avenues of research… and this, for free!

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The consultation of the database is free. If you want to know more about the documents, contact us. A free estimate will be offered to you.

This database is made up by a professional genealogist.

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